1de6 Have a shoe box for your PC · Andy White’s Old Blog

Have a shoe box for your PC

To keep your PC running smoothly it is vital to have a shoe box for it. Here’s a tip that could save you life in an IT crisis.

When you buy a new PC you usually get some disks with it. When you buy software, you usually get one or more disks plus a bunch of manuals. It’s important that you keep these disks in a safe place that you know you will remember – like an old shoe box for example. If your PC goes wrong, you may need to use these disks to reload the operating system or reinstall software. You need to know where they are. If you have more than one PC, have some way of distinguishing which PC the disks belong to.

Also, a lot of software today is freely downloaded. What do you do with all those free install files? Are they spread all over your desktop waiting to disappear when your disk fails – or are they archived to a CD in your shoe box?

Hmmm. Food for thought.

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    One Response to “Have a shoe box for your PC”

    1. Tracey Evans Says:

      Hmm - does this mean it is compulsory to go shopping for new shoes - so I can get more organised at home? - Thanks for the excuse…
