A nice example of repurposing
Monday, April 23rd, 2007Jason Van Orden has a great post on Blogging, Podcasting and RSS Basics. It’s actually a talk he did at Podcamp NYC. He did what I often advise my clients to do - recorded his presentation. Then he posted it on his site along with a PDF of the slides he used. This is powerful stuff - let me tell you why:-
- He did the work once and a room full of people benefited - now the whole world can benefit;
- Whenever anyone asks him about the basics of Blogging, Podcasting and RSS - he has a resource he can point them to;
- He can now use that recording in any number of ways - in a podcast, as an MP3 he sends to clients etc;
- People who never could have attended Podcamp NYC are now being exposed to Jason and his expertise.
Let me expand on that last point. Earlier this evening my Feed Reader flashed up at me to let me know about Jason’s post. Fifteen minutes later I was walking in the park listening to his session on my iPod. I wonder how many other people in the world were out there, running, driving, crashed out in their den, walking, gardening,…, etc and learning all about Podcasts, Blogs and RSS. Probably quite a few. And some of those will, at some time, require consultancy on podcasting and blogging - who will they think of first?
The motto? If you are an expert in ANY field, record your talks then syndicate or podcast them - and you too, can hit an audience you never would have hit otherwise. You’ll now have people running, walking, jogging, exercising, gardening, painting, decorating, sitting, knitting, at a time and place of their own choosing, being engaged by you.
Technorati Tags: blogging, podcasting, rss, podcamp, repurposing