1f23 2007 · January · Andy White’s Old Blog

Archive for January, 2007

Internet Marketing #19: What is Web 2.0?

Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

In todays episode we hear how Youtube is sharing revenue and how Web 2.0 can help with your online marketing.

PS: Hope you like the new format. Let us know what you think.

Listen Now:

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6 Online Tips that will explode your business - FAST!

Wednesday, January 17th, 2007

Here’s a recording and a transcript of a talk I did this morning at the Newhaven Chamber Breakfast group.

Here’s the transcript - it has all the links mentioned.

Listen Now:

icon for podpress  6 online tips that will explode your business [15:12m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

A Properous New Year Message and Free eBook Recommendation

Friday, January 5th, 2007

I meant to write this in the holidays but better late than never!

From the bottom of my heart I wish every one of you a PROPEROUS, JOYFULL, HEALTHY and AMAZING 2007!!! In addition, thank you for listening and subscribing to the podcasts, commenting on the posts and joining the Audio Unleashed mailing list (the tips are coming soon - promise ;-) ).

A while ago I discovered an amazing free ebook called The Science of Getting Rich. It has been a major positive influence in my life along with the amazing lady, Rebecca Fine, who made it available to us all. You can download it here.

Once again PEACE and PROSPERITY to you all.

Internet Marketing #18: The Technology Behind Web Pages

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007

After attending the Fat Boy Slim concert yesterday, Daniel Rowles comes back down to earth and covers the technology behind web pages and how it relates to Internet marketing. Such things as HTML, server side languages such as PHP and ASP, hosting and maintaining your web site are scrutinised.

Listen Now:

icon for podpress  #18: The Technology Behind Web Pages [19:47m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download