14a7 2006 · August · Andy White’s Old Blog

Archive for August, 2006

Internet Marketing #7: Introduction to Analytics

Thursday, August 31st, 2006

So having previously mentioned that we should cover Google Analytics, here we have it, in our seventh exciting episode of Internet Marketing. With me sitting in front of Google Analytics at the PC, Daniel talks me through some of the many features such as goals and funnels. It might be a good idea to listen to this while in front of Google Analytics - it will be like having Daniel talking over your shoulder.

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Internet Marketing #6: Email Marketing

Friday, August 25th, 2006

In our sixth exciting episode, we talk about using email as a marketing tool. Email marketing offers a cost effective and targeted way of reaching existing and potential new customers. However there are a lot of factors that must be considered when building a campaign, including the pitfalls of spam filters, ineffective creative, bad lists and the Data Protection Act! Daniel and Andy walk you through the basics of Email marketing and give some hands on tips on how to create an effective campaign.

Daniel mentioned Pure - they can be found at http://www.pure360.com

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Have a shoe box for your PC

Friday, August 18th, 2006

To keep your PC running smoothly it is vital to have a shoe box for it. Here’s a tip that could save you life in an IT crisis. (more…)

Internet Marketing #5: Building your own New Media business

Friday, August 18th, 2006

In this episode you will hear advice and tips on building your own New Media business as I talk with Jason Woodford, director of Academy Internet. (more…)

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icon for podpress  Internet Marketing #5: Building your own New Media business [17:56m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Internet Marketing #4: Quick comment from Andy

Thursday, August 10th, 2006

Silly old me. I forgot to mention last week that the guys would be away this week. So just a quick apology & comment from Andy. We’ll be back as normal next week with episode 5.

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icon for podpress  Internet Marketing #4: Quick comment from Andy [1:16m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Encrypting data the easy way

Wednesday, August 9th, 2006

Never again worry about the wrong people getting their hands on your sensitive data. In this post I’ll tell you about a great tool for encrypting data & files - and it’s free! (more…)

Internet Marketing #3: Website Usability

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

This episode includes an introduction and practical tips on web site usability. With a complete focus on making your site easier to use, the podcast is dedicated to increasing the amount of business your website generates. Site navigation, writing for the web, analytics, silent losses and conversion paths are just a few of the topics covered. Practical advice on site testing and where to find more information is included, and the Internet Marketing team are happy to take your questions and feedback as ever.

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icon for podpress  #3: Website Usability [22:12m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download